Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Triple T

What I LOVE about school:
1.       The amazing teachers. They’re really cool.
2.       The spirit within the school. We go all out!
3.       The freedom to express ourselves in our clothing and hair.
4.       Being able to see my friends. That would be hard not to do.
5.       The use of new technology. I honestly have never used an iPad or an Apple computer till now that I am in high school and the school provides that.
6.       New relationships made every day. I’m a very social person.
7.       Learning new things. The number one reason I’m at school in the first place.
8.       The variety of choices to take in our high school journey.
9.       The AMAT academy!! I’m in that by the way.
10.   Our mascot and the color blue, one of my favorite colors.

What I HATE about school:
1.       The lunch food. It tastes gross.
2.       The small narrow hallways. There is not enough room to get by.
3.       The different colleges. Now, I can’t be in cosmetology because then I have to decide on staying in one college or going to another.
4.       How only seniors get to leave off campus. Why can’t we all go out to eat?
5.       The waste of paper!!! I am pretty sure that all of the papers given to us goes straight to the trashcan.
6.       Having to get good grades to get into college. Okay yeah, I have good grades now how am I supposed to pay for it?
7.       The snotty stuck up people. No, you are not better than anyone else in this school so swerve.
8.       The little crowd of people in the middle of the hallway. The hallways are already small enough!
9.       The 5 minutes to get to class. I also have to use the restroom and 5 minutes isn’t going to be enough for me to do my business and get to class on time.

10.   How early it begins.  Can we all just sleep in?

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