Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Freedom and safety.  To be free is to not have to care on what you were or where you come from. You are able to do as you please. To be safe is to be secure. Freedom is what man wants. Technically neither freedom nor safety exist. Take a look at all of the mayhem and disaster going on all around the world. If governments just let people try things out first and then see if it isn't best for the people, I'm sure none of this would've happened.

 One summer my brother and I were standing at the edge of a lake and just wishing to go into the water to cool our burning skin. My mother prohibited it which caused my brother to have a meltdown. He kicked and screamed and went into the water while my mother wasn't looking anyway. Once my mother noticed she didn't know what to do. She yelled and threatened to beat him, but that didn't work. He stayed in. So she sent me in, just like the government send troops to capture the criminals. I obey, afraid that I'd be beaten myself, and drag my little brother out of the water. I handed him off to my mother who pulled his ear to the the nearest bench and sat him there, telling him he was unable to move for the rest of the time we stayed at the lake. Wet and ear pulsing by the second, he pouted and a rage grew inside my little brother. Once at home, he caused trouble like there was no tomorrow.

 This is what happens today. Governments prohibit people to do certain things and the people rebel against the law, doing it anyways, and once they're caught, they are punished and soon, hate and rage fill up inside to where they truly cause a crime in the world. Wars, shootings, fights, and terrorist attacks start to happen, leaving the innocent unsafe and with no freedom at all because of the laws thrown at everyone to try and stop the insanity.

  See, if governments just let the people have a chance and do things right with no hassle, maybe all of this crime and felony wouldn't occur. Maybe then, can countries call themselves free and maybe then the people will feel safe. But they don't. They enforce more laws, one on top of the other, on top of the other, on top of the other, and at the end of the day the laws are in no concern of anybody. The governments need to stop enforcing laws and try to have some reason with its people, give them a chance and have things to settle down all into place again, because all freedom and safty are going down the drain.

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