Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What I read

Reading for me is like a light wind when I am reading just for me. When I read for a class project or something else, it's like a thunderstorm with lightning and thunder crashing my mind down with fear because I either don't like the book or don't understand it.

 In this past semester, I have read the following books:
- Just One Day by Gayle Forman
- If I Stay by Gayle Forman
- Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn
- The Great Gatsby
- The Perfect Chemistry
- Loves me, Loves Me not
- Columbine
- The Best Of Me
- Marked
- The Truth About Forever
- Just Listen

 Out of all these books the books I enjoyed the most were The Perfect Chemistry, Loves Me, Loves m
Me Not, Just One Day, and If I Stay. I enjoyed these books very much because not only was the plot interesting, but I could actually relate to the main characters. They made me laugh, oh ho! They made me cry.  I have already recommended these books to my cousin in Oklahoma who LOVES to read.

 To be honest I don't remember any of my goals from the beginning of the school year. I tried to look and see if I had written it anywhere, but I can't find it. I don't remember if my reading rate goal to do  for each week was at least 200 pages or more a week at the beginning of the year or not but, I do remember having said that I wanted to read at least 20 to 30 books by the end of this whole school year. And so far I think That with this upcoming break, I can reach that goal of 20 to 30 books read. After school I try to manage to set aside 30 minutes to an hour for me to read my book, but since I'm the oldest of 4 kids in our home, it's been quite hard for me to fit those 30 minutes to an hour in my after school schedule. Don't get me wrong, I do read! It's just that it's a hassle to have some alone time. I will continue to overcome this obstacle and read more at home, though. It's a work in progress. I'm 20 books away from reaching my goal now so, it will happen.

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