Monday, December 16, 2013

Article #8: The Perfect Gift

 Bright lights are slowly one by one lighting up the streets and cities. Wrapping paper is quickly being taken from shelves. Chimneys are smoking. It's that time of year where everyone celebrates Christmas with many traditions leading back to our ancestors and finds the perfect gift for our friends and family. To be honest, finding the perfect gift is hard work! All we want is to surprise our loved ones with that one amazing gift. And what better gift of experiences?

 You're probably wondering, "gift of experiences? Is that even real?" Oh! It's real alright. Not all gifts have to be material wise. It's the thought that counts really. "Not only do experience make us happier than stuff,  but experiences bring givers and recipients closer together", says Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton in and article of myths of gift giving and it is completely true. On my 16th  birthday, I didn't get many presents. In fact, all I got was 200 bucks and a house full of family and a couple of friends. Sure the money, it was nice to have, but the thing I loved most was having everyone come over and celebrate my birthday with me. Laughing, dancing, telling jokes and embarrassing stories from when I was little. All which I cherish and shall keep forever and ever. Material wise, those 200 bucks went away eventually and to be honest, I don;t even remember what I had bought with it. 
 So, this Christmas don't just go for material wise gifts, but also go for experience gifts- one's where you and the receiver can do together. To build the relationship, to just have a memorable day with them. People may change, but the memories will always stay.

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